Like finding gold

(1978) I was fortunate to attend the Las Vegas Sun newspaper’s Teen Youth Forum when I was seventeen years old. It instilled the thought, ‘If I ever have a son, I am going to enroll him in a program like this.’

(2010) I learned about these programs purely by chance. My son resisted attending a training when he was fifteen-years-old. After his first training, he asked if he could attend again. And then he asked if he could serve as teen staff in subsequent trainings.

(2017) Dealing with a break-up, he sought advice. “Dad, I have done the WORK, I have all the tools. I’m just having difficulty applying them to this situation.”

Just to hear, “Dad, I have the tools.” As a parent, that was gold. Blessed to have found this community. -MC LV113

I began here

(2011) Teen Leadership is where I found my adult voice. -PKC, TL15